VIP1964-08-12蹩脚喜剧之王飞机失事了,一位原本该一炮而红的喜剧演员陨落了。不过,不打紧,瞧!这不是还有一个小房门可以抓来训练充当一下替身? 路易再一次以门房角色现身,但这不是一个化身博士的故事,而是一个潜能开发课程。究竟这个一如往常会搞砸所有事情的年轻人能够顺利代替往生的艺人在「一炮而红」节目上大放光彩吗? 影片依旧用色大胆,声音处理也依然令人兴奋(当然,路易的高反差嗓门同样要教观众忍受…),更甚者,片中安排了两场哑剧段落,肯定让路易迷大呼过瘾。不过即使它依然精彩,但对于路易的电影接受度,仍然只有「leave it or take it」…「the choice is yours」。 BTW,曾饰演《M》的Peter Lorre即使外型上已经很难辨识了,但他一开口说话~天啊,我们脑海里又会自动描绘那幅墙上黑影与拿气球的小女孩…
VIP1953-01-01吓死人了Nightclub singer Larry Todd breaks off his romance with a beautiful showgirl when he realizes she's the girlfriend of a murderously jealous gangster. While on the run, Larry mistakenly believes he kills one of the mobsters and is helped to escape police by heiress Mary Carol, who smuggles Larry and partner Myron to Cuba. Mary has inherited a haunted castle on an isolated island and, ignoring ominous warnings and threats, decides to take possession. While there, the trio hunt for a hidden treasure and encounter a ghost, a zombie, and a mysterious killer.