免费2010-01-01罗马尼亚制造"Made In Romania" is the story of a producer who is given the chance to realize his dream project; to film an adaptation of an obscure, beautifully written Victorian novel, "The Tides of Reason". Disillusioned after years of making low budget genre films, the producer readily accepts the demands of his less than legitimate financiers. Namely, the production be filmed entirely in Romania to take advantage of a complicated and slightly suspicious tax deal. Shot in documentary style, this behind-the-scenes comedy deftly and inexorably exposes the painful reality of runaway film production. Way off the radar in deepest, darkest, rural Romania the hopelessly disconnected production veers swiftly off the tracks as bizarre personalities, cultural, economic and language issues quickly combine to send the production spiraling into hysteria.
免费2018-07-20淘气大侦探备受喜爱的花园装饰小矮人糯米欧(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 配音)和茱丽叶(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 配音)回来了,这回他们将前往伦敦展开全新的冒险旅程。当糯米欧和茱丽叶第一次和家人朋友来到这个城市的时候,他们最担心的就是新的花园能否及时在春天的来临前准备好,但是他们很快就发现有人到处在绑架小矮人。有天当两人回到家时,发现他们花园裡的小矮人们全都消失了!唯一能帮助他们的就是一个名叫糯尔摩斯(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 配音)的小矮人。这位誓言保护全伦敦的花园装饰小矮人的名侦探和他的搭档华生(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 配音)开始调查这个案件。这个谜团将会引领他们前往一个新的冒险旅程!他们将遇见很多前所未见的装饰角色,并探索城市未被发现的一面。