免费1932-09-11大饭店在柏林的一家大饭店里。那时整个德国笼罩着经济危机的阴影。在豪华的大饭店里麇集许多来自不同阶层的人物。其中有陷入困境而避风头的财界巨擘普莱辛格,无奈色衰而想自尽的芭蕾舞演员格鲁辛斯卡娅,被赌博弄得倾家荡产而偷窃为生的旧男爵冯盖根,普莱辛格的旧属风烛残年的孤老克林格兰,以及年轻漂亮但贪婪自私的速记员弗兰苓等。这部第5届奥斯卡最佳影片是米高梅在30年代初期首创“全明星电影”的代表作。全片以柏林的一家豪华大饭店为人生舞台,表现五组人物在同一天之中的离奇遭遇。叙事手法虽然中规中矩,但几位大明星的表演却相当精彩,充分掌握角色的个性和处境,其中有:面临事业危机的俄国芭蕾舞女星、嗜赌的男爵、患上绝症的小人物、企业家等。这些角色以三线交错的方式上演着人生的悲欢离合,剧情发展流畅,场景虽然局限在大饭店中,但人物穿梭流动自然。故事在后来的《柏林饭店》(Hotel Berlin)和《琼楼风月》(Weekend at the Waldorf)中再度出现,并被改编成百老汇歌舞剧。
免费1964-01-01名花有主At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.