免费2013-02-16侠探杰克影片根据“英国惊悚小说天王”李查德的小说《完美嫌犯》改编。六发子弹,五名死者,神秘枪手在闹市区制造了一起惨案让整个城市都陷入了恐慌。所有的证据都指向了前军队狙击手詹姆斯·巴尔(约瑟夫·斯科拉 Joseph Sikora 饰)。但他坚持自己的清白并要求把老相识 杰克· 理查尔(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)找来,两人曾同在军队中服役。随着杰克调查的深入,他发现了更大的谜团,炮制这场惨案的真凶似乎另有其人,而别有用心的幕后黑手抓走了巴尔 ,只留下杰克一人探明真相。六发子弹中有一发漏空的子弹是杀手故意放空的。为了了解狙击手的工作,杰克特意来到了狙击手的训练营找到了一个叫做萨缪尔·卡什(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)的教练。在卡什和巴尔妹妹以及律师的帮助下,杰克渐渐走进了事件的中心位置,一个关于苏联改造营和俄罗斯黑帮的秘密也慢慢浮出水面……
免费2013-01-01都市.爱.欲望A modern Giallo horror film, CITY OF LUST tells the story of a lonely young woman who begins an unlikely relationship with dire consequences. Arianna is a young woman who moves to the city to escape a traumatic family life in the suburbs. She works as a cosmetologist and is showing early signs of formaldehyde poisoning. New to the city and lonely, she reaches out to a female sex line operator. They agree to meet and soon begin a volatile relationship. An altercation at work results in Arianna losing her job. Then, people in her life begin to turn up dead. With Arianna's health, career, and new relationship all disintegrating before her eyes, how much longer can she, and those around her, survive?