免费2009-01-01恐怖游轮海瑟(艾玛·朗 Emma Lung 饰)、萨莉(Rachael Carpani 饰)、唐尼(汉瑞·尼克 Henry Nixon 饰)、格雷格(麦克·道曼 Michael Dorman 饰)、维克托和杰西,三对男女相约驾驶游艇“三角洲号”出海游玩,不久,他们便在海上遭遇一场强烈的风暴。游艇翻船,众人落海,几经挣扎他们好不容易爬到游艇残骸上来。正当他们无计可施之时,一艘巨大的游轮向众人缓缓驶来。这群男女欣喜过望,未加思索便登上这艘名为“艾俄洛斯”的游轮,结果发现这竟是一艘1930年便告失踪的神秘之船,而船上更是空无一人。随处可见的鲜血、神秘的指示以及突如其来的凶杀事件,将这群男女带入万劫不复的恐怖轮回之中……
VIP2007-01-01笑里藏刀In Arizona, the veteran Detective Miles Porter becomes obsessed about catching the murderer of his goddaughter, Cindy, and three years later he requests his retirement to dedicate himself to the case in full time. Meanwhile in California, Richard Alden, his wife Kathy, and their son, Sam, moves to the expensive condominium Hidden Glade Estates seeking security. Kathy is still traumatized by the attack of a burglar in their former home. They are welcomed by their next door neighbor Caleb Theroux that befriends the family and Kathy becomes close to the divorced Brianna Fine. Meanwhile detective Porter finds a lead to the killer of Cindy.