免费2004-01-01帝国的毁灭这是一部纪实性电影,逼真地反映了希特勒人生的最后12天,第三帝国最后的日子。苏联红军已经攻入柏林,希特勒(布鲁诺•甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)和情妇爱娃(茱莉安•柯勒 Juliane Köhler 饰)也躲到了掩体下。爱娃知道自己是来陪希特勒一起共赴黄泉的,但她并不后悔。即使在她向希特勒为妹夫求情遭拒绝后,她也和希特勒一起举办了最后一次的婚礼。希特勒的忠实追随者戈倍尔(科琳娜•哈弗奇 Corinna Harfouch 饰)决心全家一起陪着元首殉葬。他共有7个孩子,他和妻子坚决不让自己的孩子们在没有帝国的天空生长,在希特勒和爱娃自杀后也一同自杀。令人不胜感慨。历史的真实通过镜头一幕幕重现。
免费1986-12-19野战排泰勒(查理•辛 Charlie Sheen 饰)是越战期间的一名美国大学生,他前往越南前线去服兵役,被分到了一个步兵部队。部队里有两个人一直对他影响颇大——伊莱亚斯(威廉•达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)和巴恩斯(汤姆•贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)。他们两人对战争的看法截然不同,前者不忍残杀无辜,而后者却杀人如麻,泰勒心里非常迷惑,到底谁对战争的看法才是正确。巴恩斯展开了一场残忍的屠杀,越南整条村落都流血成河。伊莱亚斯力劝好友不要如此残暴,却遭致二人关系的裂缝。巴恩斯更怀疑伊莱亚斯向上司打小报告,友谊变为妒恨。于是,在一次丛林战争中,他背着所有人,向伊莱亚斯扣下了扳机。泰勒却洞察了这一切,他心里终于有了答案。
VIP1959-01-01多瑙河之波罗马尼亚解放前夕,共产党的地下工作者托玛,为了从敌人手中搞到大批军火,混进了囚犯队,让港务局挑选去当水手。船 长米哈依是个富有爱国热情的人,在托玛的影响下,认清了斗争的道路,与托玛共同除掉了船上押运军火的德国兵,将载运的军火送运给游击队。米哈依在战斗中英勇地牺牲了,托玛怀着沉痛的心情以必胜的信念走向新的战斗。The movie is about the tumultuous years of the final period of World War II in Romania. When a Romanian port on the Danube is sabotaged by partisans, the Germans ask for a barge to collect what is left after the explosion. Bargee Mihai, takes along his new wife, Ana, on his voyage up the Danube, despite wartime bombs and mines, but it ultimately proves to be a journey of personal discovery for them both. It's 1944, and his cargo of arms for the retreating Germans, as well as the convergence of Nazi "protectors", newly insurgent partisans, and suspicious crew members, mark him as a man in the middle, faced with an unexpected moral choice. Liviu Ciulei, Romania, 1959, Romanian, 100 min, fiction film, DVD-ROMMihai (Liviu Ciulei) leads members of the local resistance movement in an attack on a barge carrying weapons and ammunition for the Nazis in this World War II action feature. As the vessel moves up the Danube, the rival factions battle for control of the deadly cargo.