免费2013-12-19狼少年因为体弱多病的顺伊(朴宝英 Bo-yeong Park 饰)需要疗养的缘故,顺伊母女三人从首尔搬家到了乡下的一栋别墅生活。而收拾屋子的时候顺伊意外的在仓库发现了神秘的前户主朴博士在这里遗留下了的狼孩(宋仲基 Joong-ki Song 饰)。顺伊妈妈出于善心收留了这个狼性未泯的男孩,并给他起名叫哲秀,就这样四个人开始了同住一个屋檐下的生活。顺伊起初反感这个不会说话,吃饭狼吞虎咽的闯入者,然而朝夕相处让顺伊萌生了照顾训练哲秀的念头。她开始教给他吃饭,读书,认字,还弹奏吉他给狼孩听,而哲秀对顺伊温暖的关怀十分受用,认真的做着顺伊教授给自己的东西。孤独的顺伊因为哲秀渐渐融入到自己的世界中而开心起来,对他产生了别样的爱恋。但是这份美好却被对狼孩虎视眈眈的智泰(刘延锡 Yeon-Seok Yoo 饰)打破,他一门心思的集结挑拨多方势力来捕杀哲秀。顺伊为了保护哲秀,不得不面临着与所爱的人分离的现实。该片为导演赵成熙的首部商业电影处女作。
VIP2013-01-01如果我是你6An omnibus film series produced by the National Human Rights Commission , Park Jungbum explores relating to the handicapped, Lee Sangcheol and Shin Aga turn their camera on the elderly and Min Youngkeun looks at conscientious objection to military service.
VIP2013-11-07我爱你!真英Jin-Young (Kim Gyu-Ri) is a not so popular screenwriter. She's been stuck writing a zombie movie script for the past couple of years. During this time she hasn't made any money or dated. Hwang Tae-Il (Park Won-Sang) is a movie director. He decides to direct a zombie film based on the Jin-Young's script. The pair become romantically involved.