免费2007-01-01朱诺高中生朱诺(艾莲·佩奇 Ellen Page饰)大大咧咧,是个可爱的精灵鬼,正经历着青春期到成人的蜕变。这一天她突然做出决定:要和帅气的田径队员布里克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera饰)共尝禁果。朱诺这次可闯了大祸,她一不留心竟然珠胎暗结,接下来的麻烦可想而知。和布里克谈婚论嫁显然还为时过早,然而堕胎是犯法行为。朱诺和好友商量,决定把孩子生下来,然后交给一对善心的夫妇抚养。然而,父母终究得知了朱诺的秘密,反应并没有朱诺料想的那么糟糕——一家人因为腹中的孩子团结起来,共商计策,为她分担怀孕的点滴苦乐。但是,朱诺毕竟是一个超级年轻的妈妈,小小年龄如何应对这一切,恐怕还要经历一次心灵的蜕变。
VIP2007-01-01笑里藏刀In Arizona, the veteran Detective Miles Porter becomes obsessed about catching the murderer of his goddaughter, Cindy, and three years later he requests his retirement to dedicate himself to the case in full time. Meanwhile in California, Richard Alden, his wife Kathy, and their son, Sam, moves to the expensive condominium Hidden Glade Estates seeking security. Kathy is still traumatized by the attack of a burglar in their former home. They are welcomed by their next door neighbor Caleb Theroux that befriends the family and Kathy becomes close to the divorced Brianna Fine. Meanwhile detective Porter finds a lead to the killer of Cindy.