免费2010-01-01十一岁的夏天电影《十一岁的夏天》(Summer Eleven)讲述了一群即将进入中学的十一岁女孩在她们最后一个暑假里的故事。 The poignant, coming of age story about a group of eleven year old girls in their final summer before middle school. Four inseparable 11-year-old girls share the last summer before middle school in this charming coming of age story. Vanessa (Alice Ziolkoski in her award-winning performance) is an aspiring actress up for her first feature film. Lizzie (Meaghan Hughes) tries to help her brother adjust to life at home after he returns from the war. Jess (Sarah Butterworth) struggles to cope with her parents' separation.Peri (Sydney Fox), the new girl, hides a desperate secret. But as the summer unfolds, each girl finds the strength to face each challenge kno wing that best friends are always there for you . . . no matter what. Emmy-winners Adam Arkin and Valerie Mahaffey (Northern Exposure) costar in this uplifting film the Heartland Film Festival hailed as "Incredible . . .inspiring . . . excellent for families."
免费2006-01-01工厂女孩伊迪·塞奇威克(西耶娜·米勒 Sienna Miller饰)出身于显赫的家族,她曾是剑桥艺术学校的高才生,而后来到纽约发展。在一个画展上她遇到了她的偶像——前卫艺术大师安迪·沃霍(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce饰),而安迪亦被她的美丽与独特气质所折服。安迪邀请伊迪到他的工作室拍电影,她欣然接受,随后他们的作品风靡美国。由于不断地享乐与放纵,伊迪的经济出现了问题,她将要破产。而她的父亲对于她的生活状态并不满意,甚至不会给她留下任何遗产。也就在这时,伊迪遇到了民谣大师鲍勃·迪伦(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen饰),两人很快坠入了爱河。安迪得知此事后非常生气,决定不再与伊迪合作。伊迪该何去何从?