免费2008-02-29誓约Some years ago, while conducting an English language workshop on a hot, dreary afternoon for a large group of students in Singapore, I suddenly felt sorry for them, and decided to tell them a story. It was a romantic love story calculated to make any sixteen-year-old sit up and listen with full attention. I told them about a young Singaporean girl who unexpectedly meets her dream man on a special day - 29 February 1988 - when a quaint old Leap Year custom allows women to make the first move in a romantic encounter. Our heroine does precisely that. Hereafter she and the dream man, both exceptionally attractive and brimming with life's hopes and dreams, are caught in a dizzying spin of events that Fate seems to like visiting upon young lovers. "You will come together at last. But not yet, not yet," says Fate mischievously.The lovers meet every 29 February over 12 years, in breathless negotiations of the many pitfalls along the path of true love which has never run smooth anyway, before their hopes are finally fulfilled in a spectacular millennial culmination worthy of love's loftiest dreams.
VIP2008-04-25猪头逛大街2哈罗德·李(约翰·赵 John Cho 饰)喜欢的女孩玛丽娅去了阿姆斯特丹,他决定追随而至,想尽一切办法赢得她的欢心。在机场,卡玛·派特(卡尔·潘 Kal Penn 饰)偶然遇到了他的前女友温妮莎,却惊讶地发现她就要结婚了。卡玛还没上飞机呢,他就和机场的警卫发生了激烈的争吵,差一点误了事,不过两人最终成功地登上了飞机。由于等不及在飞机上那漫长的6个小时,卡玛跑到厕所里自制了一个“无烟器”--骚乱由此引发,“无烟器”被误认成炸弹,而哈罗德和卡玛则不幸地被当成恐怖分子。这场突发事件致使飞机改变了航向,把他们送到了关塔那摩湾的监狱中关了起来。不甘心的两人成功越狱,从关塔那摩湾跑出来之后,哈罗德和卡玛途经迈阿密抵达德州--温妮莎婚礼的举办地,决定破坏婚礼。但不知道紧随在他们身后的是国家安全局的长官罗恩·福克斯,他要重新抓回这两个高度危险的恐怖分子......