VIP2007-01-01铁皮人 上L. Frank Baum的经典童话小说《The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 奥兹国的魔法师》不仅在欧美家喻户晓,就是在中国,也轰动一时,给很多人的童年留下了美好的回忆。在我国上映时,该作品名称译作《绿野仙踪》,沿用至今。《绿野仙踪》是Baum最为著名、艺术成就最高的一部著作,是美国人自己创作的第一部长篇童话,是世界儿童文学的瑰宝。它一经出版即受到了读者的热烈欢迎,连续两年高居童书畅销榜的首位,并以轻歌剧、电影、动画片等多种艺术形式在全世界广泛传播。1939年,好莱坞将《绿野仙踪》改编成电影,搬上银幕,获得了当年美国奥斯卡大奖。1976年,美国儿童文学协会举行的重要会议中,专家们将《绿野仙踪》列入二百年来"十部美国最伟大的儿童文学作品"之中,它是美国儿童文学史上20世纪的第一部受到赞赏的童话。 《绿野仙踪》是极富想象力的乡村幻想故事,故事中充满了新奇冒险的幻想情节。一场突如其来的龙卷风,把桃乐丝和她的小狗卷进扑朔迷离,危险又惊奇的幻想梦境里,一切冒险情节就从这个时候开始。在寻找回家之路的过程中,桃乐丝遇到了想要聪明脑袋的稻草人,想要一颗有感觉的心...
免费2007-01-01末路雷霆1920s. Vietnam under colonial French ruling. Anti-French rebellions emerge all over the country to disrupt the foreign occupiers. In respond, the colonialist employed units of Vietnamese agents to track and destroy these rebels. The film follows the journey of LE VAN CUONG, a French cultured undercover elite. Although branded with a perfect track record, Cuong's inner conscience is troubled by the sea of Vietnamese blood he had spilled to uphold a French washed ideal. Following an assassination of a high ranking French, Cuong is assigned to seek and kill the notorious leader of the resistance. Cuong encounters VO THANH THUY, a relentless revolutionary fighter and the daughter of the rebel leader. Cuong's superior intends for him to use Thuy as a mean to get to her father but Cuong soon has feelings for her. Thuy's patriotism ignites conflicts between Cuong's consciousness and his cultured faith. Will Cuong discover his inner-self and find love or will he continue his mission? The journey unfolds...