免费2015-06-17爱之谷Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.
VIP2015-01-01暗黑之地《黑暗之地》讲述了一个女人,在7岁的时候经历了一场灭门事件,幸存的她后来证实凶手正是自己的兄弟。25年之后,一群对这个案件非常热衷的人到来,让她不得不面对这场罪恶的各种疑问。Amy Adams was originally cast in the lead role during development but when the project was green-lit, Adams was unavailable and Charlize Theron was cast instead.
VIP2015-01-01家庭电影A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending.