免费2014-01-01雅加达金融公司宇光投资的社长之子即副社长世贤(尹多勋)瞒着父亲借20亿高利贷挥霍于灯红酒绿之中,后来因为暴力团伙的催债而弄得走投无路,于是他决定抢劫自己的公司,并跟自己的公司职员银河合伙构成Tell Me Something队。比他们的战略更加出色的是海龙(金尚重)和斗山(朴俊奎)的英雄本色团伙英雄本色,他们两个人从小青梅竹马,他们俩计划从武器走私商购买枪支之后,抢劫新生投资公司宇光
VIP2014-01-01热爱A dangerous relationship, which is sad and deadly at the same time, has begun! Dong-woo misses his wife Min-hee, who had spent a night with another man. Dong-woo continues this love and hatred
免费2014-12-04乐师们Band Udambara is consist of monk Hyegwang, the leader, and his former colleagues who performed in nightclubs back in 70s-80s. The documentary warmly illustrate the lives of nighttime performers and how they hold their own places in the shadows.